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Third Sunday Of Advent

We are already on the Third Sunday of Advent, it is known as “Gaudete Sunday”, which in Latin means "Rejoice".

In the liturgy of this Sunday's Mass we find readings that invite us to rejoice in the Lord, to remain constant in prayer and to be grateful to Him.

Joy is a central factor of this third Sunday of Advent, but it refers to the true joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, waiting for the one who is our hope, Jesus Christ. That Messiah who wants to be born in our hearts, renew our lives and give us an imperishable joy that comes from meeting Him.

In this time of preparation for Christmas, in the streets and shops we see an environment of consumerism, gifts, and celebrations, of a "joy" that really has little to do with the Lord and much to satisfy material desires and fill needs, which in the end, they always leave us empty.

In parallel, the Church calls us to go against the tide, at this time of Advent, it invites us to deepen the true joy, that which is one and full and comes from Jesus, that needs nothing to be completed, that has everything and is able to fully satisfy the heart of the Human Being.

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