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  • sandraalvaradocsm

Reflection of the Word of God Assumption Virgin Mary

From this day all generations will call me blessed:

the Almighty has done great things for me

and holy is his Name

The feast of the Assumption of Mary that we celebrate today reminds us that our final destination is the Resurrection that our Lord Jesus Christ has brought us. It reminds us that death does not have the last word in our existence. This is what the Apostle Paul affirms, writing to the Corinthians: “Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through man, the resurrection of the dead came also through man."

But while we reach that goal, we must also walk in this life, like her, singing the wonders of the Lord. Mary sings with joy to God the Father and is grateful that He has noticed her, despite her smallness. She, who knew how to suffer injustice and the pain of losing her Son next to the cross, shares today her glorious life as risen and invites us to walk through this life with hope.

Let us make the words of the song of the Magnificat our own, let us recognize God as the merciful and good God who is close to the humble, the poor, those who suffer; to get them out of pain and suffering, because he "fills them with good things" so that they can enjoy a more human life.

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