Sunday Readings:
Is 60, 1-6; Ef 3,2-6; Mt 2,1-12
The Gospel of Saint Matthew says, with the episode of the wise men from the East, that since his birth Jesus has a universal meaning, for the whole world, without distinction of race. God became human for everyone. Christ was born for everyone, that is what we celebrate today, on this feast of the Epiphany, our popular feast of the Three Kings.
The prophet Isaiah affirms that if the God of Israel is the only true God, this means that he is the God of all men without distinction; then, the revelation that Israel has received is for the whole world.
Saint Paul explains that Christ is born to manifest himself, to communicate, and to make himself accessible to everyone. This means that we, Christians, cannot stop communicating our faith and setting a good example of life, inviting everyone to get closer to personally meet the Son of God made man.
Fr. Martin