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Fr. Claudio

Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday, November 12th, 2023

We are approaching the end of the cycle, in the liturgical calendar of the Church. With the feast of Christ as King of the Universe. Our gaze, of faith and hope, focuses on the second coming of the Lord: his glorious coming at the end of time. Looking to the future gives meaning to our present.

Thinking about our ultimate realities is to feed our vigilant attitude to review our daily walk towards the definitive encounter with Christ, “we await his glorious coming, the resurrection of the dead and eternal life” as we express it in our Creed every Sunday.

The parable of the maidens at the wedding places us before the different attitudes that we can take in this situation. Ten o'clock should have been ready for the groom's arrival. The Lord is the bridegroom and we do not know his moment. We do not know the day or the hour, and each of us has different attitudes toward waiting for the final and definitive manifestation of God… the full consummation of the Reign of God. Like the maidens prepared, with oil in their lamps, we can be admitted to the Lord's banquet to share the table of the heavenly feast.

Fr. Claudio

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