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  • P. Claudio


In the splendor of the cloud the voice of the Father was heard: “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”

The transfiguration of the Lord is a luminous mystery that made Peter, James and John contemplate the glory of his teacher and recognize his divinity. After announcing his passion and his death on the cross, which caused anxiety and scandal in his disciples, he grants them this "little taste of heaven". And it is the same eternal Father who presents his Son transfigured from him to also strengthen faith in Him.

That same faith will lead the disciples and all believers to the future glory of the Resurrection, since Jesus Christ, according to the teaching of Saint Paul, will transform our own miserable bodies into glorious bodies like his.

May this mystery that we contemplate today enlighten our minds and our hearts to see us strengthened in the hardships of our lives, while we go through our own Easter, on this journey towards the encounter with the Risen One to participate in his Eternal Easter.

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