The glory of God is that man lives” said Saint Irenaeus. That is, we honor God when we know how to discover the human dignity of each person in which the image of God is reflected. We cannot oppose what is authentically human before God. In fact, the commandment that commands us to love God goes hand in hand with the commandment that commands us to love our neighbors. Today's Gospel invites us to know how to harmonize our religious obligations and duties with our civil obligations and duties.
Hence, the great educators in the Church, such as Saint John Bosco, aimed to train young people to become good Christians and honest citizens. Christ himself showed us his love for us to teach us to love God. Our personal and ecclesial faith has social and political implications that lead us to take responsibility for the progress of our world and our society.
Jesus responds, getting out of this false dilemma: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.”