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  • Fr. Martin

What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? October 20

God will secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him

The theme proposed by the readings today is prayer. Jesus in the Gospel insists on the importance of talking with God and gives us a good catechesis about prayer. As Disciples of Christ we cannot allow our faith to diminish or disappear, on the contrary, day by day we must put our trust in God so that our faith may be strengthened.

It is important to note that Jesus directs this catechesis about prayer to his disciples and not to the crowd. He speaks to us, the believers, to invite us to check the quality of our faith. How good it is that Christ could find in us that faith of those who truly trust in Him, of those who believe that God hears their prayers and does justice to those who plead either day or night.

The story of the unjust judge and the poor widow shows us the importance of being persevering. Jesus tells us that it is very good to pray always without being discouraged. That constancy will be the sign of our faith that always trusts and hopes in Christ. Let us take advantage of this day to renew our prayer and above all in proposing us not to ever forget God.

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