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Fr. Tarcisio


First Reading (1 Sam 16:1b.6-7. 10-13a): Anointing of David

God does not judge people according to their appearance, but looks at the heart. David, the youngest, is chosen and anointed king of Israel.

Second Reading (Eph 5:8-14): Christ will shine on you

The light of Christ shines on us from baptism. We are, therefore, children of the light, called to produce fruits of goodness, justice and truth.

Gospel (Jn 9:1-41): "I Was Blind, and Now I Can See"

A man born blind meets Jesus and then can see, first with his bodily eyes and then with the eyes of faith. We are that blind man.

Our senses are the bridges that unite our person with reality. But it is such a normal thing to use them, that maybe we don't value them enough, until we start to lose them. It is wonderful to feel, taste, listen, smell and see everything beautiful around us. But it is also painful to perceive evil and all the bad things that exists in our world.

The healing of the man born blind helps us to reflect on the value of our senses and on the respect and understanding that those who do not have deserve. Jesus teaches us that physical blindness is not the most difficult to cure, but mental blindness, social and religious blindness. When having eyes, we do not see or we do not want to see. Having ears, we do not listen ... Even the disciples were convinced that this man had been born blind as divine punishment for his sins or that of his parents. And the religious authorities were more concerned because Jesus had carried out that healing on Saturday, the day of rest, than because of the miracle of healing, returning the sight of that man. Returning his sight also restored his dignity, since he would no longer be seen as a sinner punished by God; it also gave him back the ability to work by himself, without waiting for the alms of others; and finally that man regained his faith, believed in Jesus: "Do you believe in the Son of Man?” He answered and said, “Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?” Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, the one speaking with you is he.” He said, “I do believe, Lord,” and he worshiped him.”

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