The Community of San Mateo, which gathers to celebrate and live the faith in this Cathedral Church, after the feasts of Mary of Guadalupe, the Posadas and the Birth of Jesus Christ... offers a New Year's greeting and an attentive invitation to continue on this path of openness and discovery to advance in our goal of knowing, loving and serving Jesus Christ in this 2025 that God gives us... Let's take advantage of the classes, courses and workshops of Evangelization and Catechesis in the Parish Center and also participate in some of the ministries of the community; as well as cooperating in volunteer activities...
In the month of January we will pray for Christian Unity by putting our ecumenical identity into practice. We will also begin the Spring Catechesis Course. In February the feast of Candlemas or presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple. In March we will live the Lenten penance of conversion. In April we will have Holy Week and the representation of the Living Stations of the Cross with the Theater Group. And, of course, the great celebration of Easter. In May we honor Mary with devotion... In June we will have the closing of the Catechesis Course with First Communions and the visit of our bishops to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. In July is our Summer Bible Course for children. In August we will begin the Second Catechism Course. In September: The Patronal Feast of the Apostle San Mateo. In October , the Autumn Festival. In November: Sacraments of Christian Initiation. To conclude in December: with the novenas of Guadalupe and Christmas.
Together let us pray for the good performance of these and other scheduled activities so that they may help us grow, as a community, in the Christian virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.
P. Claudio