Sunday Readings: Is 50, 4-7; Flp 2, 6-11; Lk 22,14-23,56
Today we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, "Palm Sunday"; The Lord is hailed as the true Messiah sent by God. The readings remind us that Jesus is a King who takes upon himself human suffering, and becomes a companion to all who suffer, so that they may feel God's help.
Saint Paul explains to us that Jesus is the Christ who has voluntarily renounced his glory to share, in everything, our human condition. Although Jesus warns us that we must prepare ourselves to face struggles and contradictions, he also exhorts us to arm ourselves only with the weapons of justice and good.
At the moment of arrest, Jesus forbids violence and even does good to those who arrest him, healing to whom were wounded by the sword. Jesus has the power to heal those who have been hurt by the fear, anger, weakness or sin of his own disciples. “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"