It is the first and oldest Marian feast in our Church, and echoes the Council of Ephesus in the year 431, which proclaimed Mary as "THEOTOKOS", the one who gave birth to the Savior and Son of God.
The Savior "was born of a woman" in the fullness of time to open the doors of grace and salvation to all humanity. This is how the poors of the people of Israel recognize him, as are the shepherds who found the Child and his Mother, the one who knows how to keep everything in her heart, the one who welcomes everything that God has revealed with this event of the incarnation and birth of the Messiah.
She, being the mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, is also our Mother who will accompany each one of us and throughout our lives on our pilgrimage as she accompanied the steps and walk of her own son.
We entrust ourselves to her at the beginning of this new year 2023.
Fr. Claudio