Sunday Readings:
Dn 12, 1-3; Heb 10, 11-14. 18; Mk 13, 24-32
The readings for this Sunday invite us to reflect on the question of the end of the world. We know that day will come, but Jesus reminds us that no one knows the day and the hour; only the Father. That is why we must be prepared and raise our prayer with the Psalm "You are my inheritance, O Lord!"
All the afflictions and tribulations that come upon us can serve as warning and correction at the same time. We live in permanent contact with our own limitations. We know that there are fleeting things like fame, pleasure, physical beauty, and material well-being. They are part of those "heaven and earth that will pass away."
As disciples of Christ, we must be open to other goods and other values, called to last forever and who are what save us. God has predestined us all to be sons through Jesus Christ (Eph 1, 5), since God "wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim 2, 4).