Sunday Readings: Is 6, 1-2, 3-8; Cor 15, 1-11; Lk 5, 1-11
Jesus speaks to the crowd. His Word is not for a few. We are all invited to be part of Jesus' audience. The Lord speaks from the fishermen's boat. This boat is the symbol of the place where Jesus makes us hear his voice: the Church, the family, the Bible, daily life.
Each one must respond to that Word of the Lord. If the Word of Jesus is received from the heart, it means that we can no longer remain “on the shore”. The shore is just the beginning, you need to go deep. Jesus invites us to row “into the sea”, where the waters are deep. And for this it is necessary to get into the boat.
A permanent temptation of the Christian life is to remain on the shore, in the superficial, in the minimum so as not to commit ourselves, so as not to bother us. It is Jesus himself who invites us to go there to fish, that is, to work. In the company of Jesus let us try to experience depth of the Spirit.