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  • Fr. Claudio

Reflection of the Word of God, XIII Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 26th, 2022

Saint Luke speaks to us today of Jesus' determination to travel to Jerusalem to suffer his passion and death (Gospel). In these circumstances, the Lord refers to the demands of the apostolic vocation: when he calls, he wants to be followed immediately and without looking back. This is how the prophet Elisha left the field in which he worked, to follow the prophet Elijah (First reading). And Saint Paul also reminds the Galatians that their vocation is freedom, but not a freedom of selfishness that leads to debauchery, but that of being servants of others to fulfill the precept of loving our neighbor as Christ has given us an example. (Second lecture).

The Christian vocation is the call that Jesus makes us follow him and learn from him in his surrender to the will of the Father in favor of all mankind.

Our response is the faithful following of Jesus in service to our brothers, always with an evangelical spirit.

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