Every Christian who takes seriously the teachings of our Lord, should make an effort for the unity of the Body of Christ, the Church. This church fragmented by many divisions, often unnecessary. We must constantly meditate on those words, that Jesus offered to his Father just before his arrest in the garden of Gethsemane:
"that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
(John 17:21).
This should be a constant prayer on our lips, seeking that the Holy Spirit truly reunites us all under the one Shepherd. We have to firmly believe that if all Christians pray wholeheartedly for unity, it will be achieved, but as long as we are lukewarm with this intention, it will never happen. Furthermore, we have to realize that the church cannot be a significant sign in the world, when Christians are divided. How can we effectively evangelize and help the attributes of the kingdom, such as truth, love and justice, become present when we do not practice charity among ourselves? As Saint Teresa of Avila tells us: Christ has us as his only instrument, and we should all realize how unchristian most of the world is. The world desperately needs the values ​​of Christ. And only we Christians, allowing the Spirit to act in us, can change this. If we could pray as a united force, this request will be much more powerful and effective.