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  • sandraalvaradocsm

What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? August 18th, 2024

Wisdom summons everyone; and offers a righteous and conscious life that leads to happiness. Those summoned to the banquet of wisdom are the lacking in judgment, the ignorant. Learning to live is a task that involves receiving from experience and striving to overcome ignorance.


 The apostle Saint Paul emphasizes the lack of reflection and superficiality. That is why he speaks out against drunkenness and invites us to be filled with the Holy Spirit which makes us lucid and not distracted.


 Jesus takes another step in revealing the mystery of his person. The discourse that presents Jesus as the bread of life refers to the Eucharist as sacramental food. To eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Lord is to unite with the creator and have, through him, from now on, eternal life.


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