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Fr. Tarcisio
27 dic 20241 Min. de lectura
W arm greetings, Community of Saint Matthew and all those who know us and follow us on social media. We are closing the year 2024 and we...
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Fr. Tarcisio
27 dic 20241 Min. de lectura
UN AÑO MÁS en Nuestra VIDA
Catedral de San Mateo S aludos cordiales, Comunidad de San Mateo y todos los que nos conocen y nos siguen en las redes sociales. Estamos...
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Fr. Tarcisio
27 dic 20241 Min. de lectura
What does God’s tell us this Sunday? December 29, 2024
Sagrada Familia THE HOLY FAMILY The Christmas and New Year holidays are characterized by family gatherings. And celebrating this feast of...
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Fr. Tarcisio
27 dic 20241 Min. de lectura
¿Qué nos dice la Palabra de Dios este Domingo?29 de Diciembre, 2024
Sagrada Familia LA SAGRADA FAMILIA L as fiestas de Navidad y fin de año se caracterizan por las reuniones familiares. Y celebrar esta...
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Fr. Tarcisio
31 oct 20241 Min. de lectura
What does God’s tell us this Sunday?, November 3rd 2024, XXXI Sunday Ordinary Time
O ne of the central themes in catechism classes is the 10 commandments. Memorizing them is important, remembering them in order from 1...
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Fr. Tarcisio
31 oct 20241 Min. de lectura
Is it mandatory to attend Mass on Sundays?
S unday is very important for Christians, because it is the day that Jesus rose from the dead (Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1); it is...
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Fr. Tarcisio
22 ago 20241 Min. de lectura
Why do we put intentions at the Mass?
I n our community of San Mateo, at the beginning of the mass, we read the intentions to pray for many personal and family needs. We pray...
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2 may 20241 Min. de lectura
What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? May 5th, 2024
The theme of God's love fills our thoughts today. The first reading shows us that the love of God is no respecter of persons, and...
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Fr. Tarcisio
4 ene 20241 Min. de lectura
Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday, January 7th 2024
First Reading - Is 60, 1-6 Second reading- Eph 3, 2-3a. 5-6 Gospel - Mt 2, 1-12 Christ is light for all nations. The celebration of...
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P. Tarcisio
22 sept 20231 Min. de lectura
Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday, September 24th, 2023
Seek the Lord while you can find Him…” While we have life, we are called to put aside everything that harms us and others. Lest later it...
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23 ago 20231 Min. de lectura
What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? August 27th, 2023
Jesus asks us "Who do you say that I am?" He asks us to review our relationship with him. What can we answer? Do we know Jesus better and...
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P. Tarcisio
13 ene 20231 Min. de lectura
Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday January, 15th, 2023
Christ is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world Today it is John the Baptist who introduces us to Jesus as "The Lamb of...
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P. Claudio
7 oct 20221 Min. de lectura
Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday October 9th, 2022
"Stand up and go; your faith has saved you". Today we are presented with the greatness of the soul of two foreign men who suffered from...
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P. Tarcisio
30 sept 20221 Min. de lectura
Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday October 2nd, 2022
LORD, INCREASE OUR FAITH. The prophet Habakkuk raises a desperate cry to heaven, against the injustices and sufferings that he suffers,...
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P. Tarcisio
6 may 20221 Min. de lectura
Reflection of the Word of God, Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 8th 2022
My sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me The scribes and Pharisees demanded that Jesus tell them clearly and openly if he...
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P. Tarcisio
17 sept 20211 Min. de lectura
What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? Feast St, Matthew Apostle
The story of the vocation of Matthew is very brief, direct and straightforward, however, it describes an encounter so personal that it...
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P. Tarcisio
7 ago 20212 Min. de lectura
When can I receive Communion?
This is a question that many Christians ask ourselves. The basic requirements are these: · Have received the Sacrament of the Eucharist...
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P. Tarcisio
4 abr 20211 Min. de lectura
Reflection on the Word of God, Easter Sunday APRIL 4, 2021
The acts of the apostles summarize the life of Jesus with this phrase: "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the power of the Holy Spirit,...
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P. Tarcisio
4 abr 20211 Min. de lectura
The word ALLELUIA, is an adaptation of the Hebrew expression hallĕlū-Yăh, which literally means "praise [you] Yah" or "Praise God." ......
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